I don't think that children can make it through life without getting a goose egg on their head once or twice-right?!? While visiting the model home of our new place, Marston was climbing the stairs. I usually let him explore the stairs but I sit right next to him. He crawled over to the stairs and made it up one stair and kaboom- head first into the hardwood floor. The poor little boy got a goose egg the size of a golf ball within a minute. What kind of mother am I?
That's a pretty good one...next time he falls and you know he is going to get a bump on his head....if you can, get a butter knife and press it flat side, not edge side, onto the spot and it will not get as swollen or as bruised. I know it sounds crazy but it works. My Grandma Nielsen did it to me and my siblings and cousins and it really does help!